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Research Pillars

CTLGH exists in and contributes to a global research ecosystem, populated by an evolving network of individuals, organisations and projects, all focused on developing and applying genetic and genomic tools in diverse livestock production systems.


"Besides being the mainstay of food supply, the agricultural sector is the major source of employment and income. Within the rural agricultural economy, livestock remain closely associated with the social fabric and welfare of rural households in sub-Saharan Africa. Livestock play a cushioning role, adding to stability of farm incomes, food security and farming systems."

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Our research programmes

Dairy Genomics

Applying genomics to dairy production in the tropics for increased livestock productivity and a more sustainable environment.

Poultry Genomics

Improving the productivity and flock dynamics of poultry in the tropics.

Reproductive Technologies

Demonstrating new breeding technologies and ways they can accelerate improvements in tropical livestock productivity and resilience.

Health Genetics

Understanding and using genetics and genomics tools for better control of livestock diseases.

Informatics and Bioresources

Providing comprehensive and accessible biological, informatics and data resources to drive tropical livestock development.

Associated programmes and projects

CTLGH will extend the global reach and impact of tropical livestock genetics and health research by continually identifying, highlighting and partnering with other relevant programmes and institutions focused on diverse livestock species, systems and regions.

Tropical Poultry Genetic Solutions (TPGS)

Formerly known as African Chicken Genetic Gains (ACGG), TPGS tests and makes available high-producing, farmer-preferred genotypes that increase smallholder chicken productivity in Africa.

African Dairy Genetic Gains (ADGG)

The vision of ADGG is to see African smallholder dairy farmers continuously accessing more productive dairy genetics, breeding and farmer education services and other related input services enabling their farming enterprises to be profitable and competitive businesses.

Functional Annotation of Animal Genomes (FAANG)

Many of the research projects associated with CTLGH are underpinned by FAANG, a coordinated international action to accelerate genome to phenome.

African Animal Breeding Network (AABNET)

AABNet supports the genetic improvement of livestock in order to help make livestock production systems in Africa more efficient, profitable and sustainable.

SEBI Livestock

SEBI-Livestock is uniquely positioned to close the livestock data gap, with expertise in veterinary science, data science and communications, as well as through our engagement with the global community of livestock data producers and users.


Part of LEAP-Agri, this project seeks to characterize traditional (locally adapted) cattle breeds in both Europe and Africa, to detect genetic variation associated with adaptation to local ecosystems, and to exploit this variation in improving cattle breeding schemes for production, longevity, and disease resistance.


LEAP-Agri is a recently established Long-term EU-Africa research and innovation Partnership on food and nutrition security and sustainable Agriculture.