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COVID-19 Statement from CTLGH



With nodes in the UK, Kenya and Ethiopia and collaborators working across the Globe, CTLGH is acutely aware of the impact COVID-19 pandemic is having on the people of the world.

We are therefore closely monitoring the impact of COVID-19 on our people, our institutions and our activities and liaising with our partners and collaborators to ensure that the health and safety of our researchers and staff is protected as much as possible.

With many research institutes taking the decision to restrict access to everyone except essential workers, several of our current research programmes have been paused, new research projects, scientific conferences and workshops postponed, and travel between collaborating institutes suspended at this time.

CTLGH researchers and staff are advised to follow the recommendations and guidelines issued by their own governments and institutes about travel, self-isolation and guidance about working from home.

The Centre Management Team is meeting regularly and working closely with our funders to keep them updated with the situation, which continues to change daily.

If you have any questions please contact the Centre here